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Pregnancy Travel Insurance - How Much Cover Do I Need?

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Pregnancy is a special time of your life and it's important to ensure that you are covered in case something goes wrong during your travels. This is why we offer a variety of pregnancy travel insurance plans that will help you enjoy your trip.

What is the Best Travel Insurance for Pregnant Women?

Pregnant woman often want a break from the routine of their daily lives and to spend time in the sunshine. But with so many different factors that can affect a pregnant woman's health, it's difficult to know which travel insurance policy is best for you and your baby.

You can find many insurance companies that provide pregnancy travel coverage, but it is important to choose one that best suits your needs. The insurer should know your expected pregnancy week and the coverage they will provide.

Does Pregnancy Travel Insurance Cover Complications?

Many travel insurance policies don't cover pregnant women or those with an underlying health condition. This could include pre-eclampsia, recurrent miscarriage or a small for date baby. Some will also not cover complications which have already occurred. For example, a premature birth and postnatal depression.

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Can I get Pregnancy Travel Insurance when I am abroad?

In general, travel insurance does not cover pregnancy abroad. Some travel insurance policies do provide a limited amount of coverage, for example, pregnancy cover only during the first six months of pregnancy.

Your doctor can help you choose the right travel policy if your pregnancy is causing you to consider flying internationally. You can ask them about the risks of traveling to areas where Zika is spreading, or when it is safe to do so.

Pregnancy Travel Insurance: International Travel Insurance

When it comes to international travel, pregnancy is a great reason to consider an annual multi-trip policy. This way, you don't have worry about purchasing additional travel coverage every time you go on vacation.

The majority of annual multitrip policies will cover complications related to pregnancy up until a particular stage or the end date (which is usually 26 weeks). Buggy advises that you should check when your policy covers pregnancy complications with your insurance provider.

Are you considering a babymoon?

A babymoon can be a trip planned by an expectant couple during the final trimester of pregnancy. It's a way to celebrate and bond with each other before the baby arrives.

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The final trimester is a time when complications are at an increased risk. This means that you should plan this trip very carefully. You should get a note from your doctor saying that you are fit for travel and that there aren't any complications if you're traveling during the last trimester.

If you are pregnant and there are complications at your workplace, many doctors will recommend that travel be stopped at 36 or even earlier. Your obstetrician-gynaecologist will be able to give you more advice on what's best for you and your baby.


Pregnancy Travel Insurance - How Much Cover Do I Need?